This week, we learnt about learning. Interesting topic for an Introduction to the Internet class. I feel that in Singapore, learning is not as lauded as it should be; rather, perhaps due to our 'meritocracy' mentality coupled with our inherent 'kiasuism', learning has taken a backseat to raw grades. Afterall, people in Singapore don't care as much for intangible qualities compared to your qualifications. This has led to what people call a 'paper chase'.
Think that I am ranting against the system? Think again. Look at the work that primary and secondary schoolers are doing. In the past, there was a focus on rote learning and memorization. Does this reflect intelligence? I think not. But if you can't memorize well and don't learn by rote well, you are out of the 'game'. You get streamed... And now, schools are trying to make up by 'teaching' creativity! How do you teach creativity? You can develop and nurture but not teach creavitiy. That's the exact antithesis of creativity if you have to teach it.
Having a growth mindset means that you are open to learning and are motivated to learn. This is something perhaps Singaporeans should start to adopt. This is a mindset that I myself have to adopt even right now. Perhaps grades are not as important as one thinks it is. Rather than just striving for grades, I should be trying to learn as much as I can. But some teachers out there are so grade oriented that you feel like you can't learn anything from them. They are not open and they don't teach so good. Case in point:
Perhaps a growth mindset has to also start with instructors and teachers.
We also learnt about Bloom's Taxonomy and how it applies to us. I found out, well not exactly as I sort of knew it all along, that I am strong in the linguistics area. But it is still good to learn about the other areas that I am strong and weak in. Perhaps the area that I can work on is the area of music. I should pick up a musical instrument and listen to more songs. That doesn't seem like unenjoyable learning to me at all! And I thought that I was rather good in spatial-visual things but apparently not. I should draw more or even go out into space more. I heard that going into space requires a great deal of spatial-visual ability. Now, this sort of learning I don't mind.
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